Quick Start

Install the app

  • Subsidiary user (office): immediate access from a computer connected to the Internet
  • Field users (inspectors): installation of the application on the essential tablet.

The tablet must be connected to a wifi network to perform the complete installation.


From the tablet, download the “SafeToLoad” application from Google play (Android tablet) or Apple store (Ipad tablet).

Capture du téléchargement de l'application SafeToLoad


Launch the application and modify the settings by clicking on the icon Specify the following settings:

  • server: apps.safetoload.com
  • port: 443
  • check “Secure connection”


Enter your username, password and click on «  login ». All the data (vehicles, carriers, etc.) of the subsidiary will be synchronized.

Do not interrupt this step, it takes several minutes the first time.

Capture de l'application sur le paramétrage
Capture de l'application sur l'identifiant et mot de passe de connexion

The SafeToLoad app

A. Home screen

The home screen consists of the taskbar and the list of controls
in progress.

Capture de l'écran d'accueil de l'application SafeToLoad
Bouton + permettant de créer un nouveau formulaire
Bouton de la liste des contrôles en cours de l'application SafeToLoad
Bouton de la gestion documentaire de l'application SafeToLoad
Bouton des paramètres de l'application SafeToLoad
Bouton permettant de synchroniser l'application SafeToLoad avec le serveur

Create a new control

List of checks in progress (= checks not synchronized)

Document management: online help, quick guide and documents made available by the subsidiary

App settings

Synchronization of the tablet with the server

Bouton pour éteindre l'application ou revenir à l'écran d'identification

Turn off the app

Bouton pour éteindre l'application SafeToLoad

or return to the identification screen

Bouton permettant de revenir sur l'écran d'identification

B. Control form

1. Pages

On the list of current controls, click the “+” button to create a new control.

The list of form pages is located on the left of the screen.
Complete each page of the control form, you can go back to the field(s)/questions you want by clicking on the desired page.

Capture de la page d'indentification de l'inspecteur

2. Alerts

Unfilled fields are indicated in the alerts, you can access them by clicking on:

Bouton pour accéder aux alertes de l'application SafeToLoad


Boutons pour accéder aux alertes n°2 de l'application SafeToLoad
Capture de la page des alertes de l'application SafeToLoad

Mandatory fields are indicated in red and the non-blocking fields in orange.

If one of the rules is not respected, the control cannot be validated by the inspector and the alerts allow him to go directly to the missing fields.

3. Checkpoints

Once all the previous fields have been completed, you can move on to the next page: checkpoints. There are several checkpoints to complete depending on the type of vehicle and the type of products to be loaded.

Capture de la page des points de contrôle de l'application SafeToLoad

All checkpoints must be completed in order to validate the form.

Bouton crayon pour écrire un commentaire
Bouton pour ouvrir un document d'aide

allows you to write a comment to explain the defect found.

opens the help document which specifies what needs to be checked.

4. Photos

Click on the “photo” icon to add a photo to a checkpoint.

Bouton appareil photo
Bouton galerie
Bouton GED
Bouton pour dessiner / annoter une photo




Draw / annotate a photo

Capture pour ajouter une photo
Capture page pour dessiner / annoter une photo

5. Conclusion

After completing all the checkpoints, you can access the page

Vehicle status

The status is automatically defined according to the result of each point and the “blocking/non-blocking” configuration of the control points:

  • Accepted = 100% of points compliant,
  • Temporarily accepted = 1 or more non-compliant “non-blocking” points,
  • Refused = 1 or more non-compliant “blocking” points.
Capture de la page conclusion, véhicule accepté
Capture de la page conclusion, véhicule refusé

You can add a final comment to the inspection.

6. Signature

The inspector must sign in order to finalize the inspection.

Capture de la page signature

Validate a SafeToLoad​


The control must be saved before being submitted if the inspector wants to add comments. Just click on the validate icon at the top right.

Control is always present in the ongoing tasks of the inspector.

Capture de la page signature pour valider les données


The control is validated directly by clicking on the cloud and selecting the line “Send control”.

  • The control still appears in the tasks of the inspector. It will disappear once synchronization is complete.
  • The control may be canceled by selecting the “Cancel” line.
Capture envoyer un contrôle

Synchronize a report

When you have a network, you can synchronize the reports by clicking on the icon:

Bouton permettant de synchroniser l'application SafeToLoad avec le serveur
Capture synchronisation des données

The control is saved on the server and triggers the allocation of an STL number.

You can access the aids and documents provided by the subsidiary on the GED

Bouton de la gestion documentaire de l'application SafeToLoad
Capture GED

After validation of your report, a PDF report is generated and archived. It is then transmitted to the carrier and/or to the subsidiary if option. PDF reports are stored by year and month.

Follow the results


Electronic document management (EDM) includes:

  • all the PDF reports from the safe to load carried out,
  • all online help files that are available on the tablet.
    Login: https://docs.safetoload.com


The reporting is generated automatically from the safe to load carried out. The
requests provide a summary of the results (rejection rate, number of
checks, etc.) and recurring anomalies.

Login: https://bi.arioflow.io/

The database

The database makes it possible to manage information on vehicles, carriers,
drivers, inspectors, depots as well as issue management. The subsidiary has the
possibility of :

  • add control points (questions),
  • translate questions into the local language,
  • register a waiver to change a blocking point to non-blocking,
  • modify online help files with photos illustrating the truck fleet
    of the subsidiary.

Login: https://apps.safetoload.com/portal

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