Add help

Capture Menu Share

To add help to a question, click on the “Share” menu.

Capture identification et mot de passe pour accéder à la GED

Identify yourself and notify your password to access the SafeToLoad EDM site.

Capture de la GED SafeToLoad pour ajouter une aide à une question
Capture du chemin à noter pour ajouter une aide

Here, you can add your helpers via a drop/drag of your files.

The way to go: Common/Help/EN/“Help name.pdf”

Go to the “Manage” menu, then “Questions” and go to the question sheet where you want to add help.

Click “Help”.

Capture champ Help

The way to note: Common/Help/EN/“Help name.pdf”

Click on “Ok” then on “Save” at the top right.


Click “Publish Templates” at the bottom left.

Capture publier les modèles portail SafeToLoad
Capture publier les modèles portail SafeToLoad

Select the type(s) of forms where you want to make the change.

Click “Publish” at the top right.

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