Administration Data Portal
Administration Data Portal
Manage contractors
Click on the “Manage” menu then on “Contractor”.
You will access the list of contractor.
Just like creating a question, or creating other administrative data (vehicles, drivers, trailers…etc), you can:
- Filter active and inactive questions.
- Import and export a list of contractor.
- Refresh the list of contractor.
Click on “Create” to create a new contractor.
The fields to be completed are:
- Name of the transport company (mandatory fields),
- Address,
- ZIP code,
- City,
- Country,
- Phone number.
You can add recipient emails:
Emails of the recipients in copy of the STLs: recipients will receive all checks that have taken place on their trucks.
Recipient emails for problem reports: recipients will only receive controls that have a problem (comment, non-compliance, rejection).
Rejected notification recipients: recipients will only receive rejected checks that have taken place on their vehicle.
Write an e-mail address and click on the “+” to add it to the list.
Using the arrows, you can order your emails.
. Click the trash can icon to delete an email.
Once complete, click “Ok”.
Once the fields are completed, click on “create” to save your new contractor.