Transporteur event

Transporteur event

Form processing


To get started, in the “Event” page, you can view general information, transportation information, customer, event details, escalated information and immediate actions to keep you informed of all the details related to the event. ‘event.

You can add additional information.

Capture de la page événement

Transport, depot and customer data

Then you can access and inform yourself on the second page by clicking on “Data”, which has three subpages: Transport, Depot and Customer.

Nature of the event

The following page concerns the nature of the event (injury, spreading/overflow, breakdown/traffic accident, mixing, malfunction, service rendered, etc.). Complete all fields on this page if necessary.

Documents to attach

To illustrate the event, you can attach documents, images, photos via the “Documents” page.

Add a document by clicking “+”, name the document and select your attachment. You can provide a comment if desired.

Click “-” to remove the item from the list.

Capture de la page document
Capture de la fenêtre d'ajout d'un document

Transporter analysis

Then complete the information related to the carrier analysis.
If the nature of the event is other than a service rendered, two additional fields will be required to be completed.

Enter the following data:

  • Total Contracted Driver Information
  • Conclusion of the carrier’s investigation
    • The description of the event by the carrier
    • The factors
    • Corrective actions
    • Estimation of the cost of material damage

Two fields, designated in red, are mandatory: factor #1 and corrective actions.

Transporter analysis

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