Osons Alerter​

Osons Alerter​

Application concepts

You will access the home screen of the application, web version, after your identification.

Capture de l'écran d'accueil de l'app Cristal
Capture de l'icône plus pour créer un nouveau formulaire

Creating a new form

Capture de l'icône tâches en cours

Personal list of current forms

Capture de l'icône de recherche

Search tool (search for a form based on a query, a result, a date, etc.)

The tasks module allows you to find all current forms.

Capture de la liste des tâches en cours

Selection mode allows you to select several forms in order to perform a one-click action, such as deletion, by clicking on the round icon with the 3 dots.

Capture du mode sélection

Info mode allows you to see all the information in a form: date, time, nature of the event, file number, name of the filing, etc.

Capture du mode info
Capture de l'icône actualiser

The arrow icon allows you to refresh current tasks.

Capture de l'icône filtrer

You can sort your tasks according to: creation date, modification made, alphabetical order, status. This sorting can be done in ascending or descending order.

You can also display the data: file reference, document type, status, owner, creation date and modification date.

Capture de la fenêtre d'affichage

You can perform a filter to find a form among a list substantial.

Capture du filtre

You can open and complete multiple forms at once. At the top, select a form, by clicking on the desired form tab, to open it.

Click on the cross to close a form.

Capture des formulaires multiples

The search module allows you to search for a form based on the query.

Select a category then complete the desired value(s) (values ​​vary depending on the form type).

Click on validate, and select one or more forms in the “result(s)” tab.

You can delete, cancel or export this data.

Capture du mode recherche

The form consists of 3 pages:

  • Declaration
  • Areas
  • Documents
Capture de la liste des pages du formulaire

At the top of the form, you have access to several tools.

Capture du menu du formulaire
Capture du menu

This icon allows you to close the list of pages in order to have the form in full screen.

Capture de l'icône formulaire

This icon activates the form page.

Capture de l'icône info
Capture de la barre des infos

This icon activates the form information, the EDM, the file and the history.

Dots next to the title of a page show you the number of alerts associated with this page.

Here you will see the number of alerts you have in the form.

The “arrow” icon allows you to move from one alert to another and positions you there.

Required fields are marked in red.

Capture de la liste des alertes
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