Osons Alerter
Osons Alerter
Form processing
To get started, on the “Declaration” page, enter general event information, customer information, contract information, and description.
In the “Description” section, after adding the description of the risk situation, you will need to specify whether the station operator has been notified.
If the operator has not been notified, click “no” and add a comment. In this case, the comment field is mandatory.
Once all the general information has been completed, you can access the “Areas” page and fill in the details of the event.
Select at least one domain and one domain item linked to the event.
The “Hardware” domain cannot be coupled with another domain.
The “Hardware” domain has no subdomains.
The “Delivery Procedure” domain does not have a subdomain.
After completing the details of the event, you can insert documents/photos via the “Documents” page.
Add a document by clicking “+”, and click “-” if you want to delete a document.