Administration Data Portal​​​​

Administration Data Portal​​​​

General settings

Click on the “Manage” menu and then on the tab
“General settings”.

Capture onglet paramètres généraux
Capture de la liste des entreprises dans paramètres généraux

You will access the list of companies.

You can:

  • Filter active and inactive companies.
  • Export list of companies.
  • Refresh the list of companies, if there is an update.
Capture de la fiche paramètres généraux
Capture de la fiche paramètres généraux

You can edit the following fields:

  • Company name,
  • Report language,
  • Name of sender,
  • Zone,
  • The recipients (notifications),
  • Administrator email,
  • Report logo.
You can enable or disable the following options:
  • Marketer
  • Vehicle alias
  • Trailer alias
  • Signature of the inspector mandatory,
  • Signature of the driver mandatory,
  • Safe To Operate.
Capture des champs de la gestion des notifications

There are three types of notifications:

  • Affiliate email recipients copied on STL: the recipients will receive all controls

  • Recipient emails for problem reports: recipients will only receive controls that have a problem (comment, non-compliance, rejection)

  • Rejected notification recipients: the recipients will receive only those controls with rejection

Write an e-mail address and click on the “+” to add it to the list.

Using the arrows, you can order your emails.

Click an email address and then click the trash can icon to delete that email.

Once complete, click “Ok”.

Capture de l'ajout ou suppression des emails pour notification

For any changes made, click “Save” at the top right to save your changes.

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