Admin Data Portal
Admin Data Portal
Share menu
The EDM module allows to view the STL checks carried out and the help files. It is accessible in different ways:
- On tablet: all online help files are classified by Branch/Zone/Subsidiary (depending on the files added by the zone or subsidiary) and language.
- On the web application: all the reports created and validated by the inspector are accessible through a Subsidiary/Carrier/Year/Month tree structure.
You can access the GED by clicking on the “Share” module.
Enter your login and password.
You directly access the BI interface.
To create a folder (called “example folder”) in the GED module dedicated to a subsidiary to send documents to inspectors, you must:
- Click on “create” then “folder” (1),
- Fill in the fields: Name, Title and Description then click on “Save” (2),
- After synchronization of the tablet, the folder appears (3),
- The inspector can then consult the deposited files.
To add a file, in PDF format, simply drag and drop your file to the desired location (4).
You can also import your documents.