Share menu

The EDM module allows to view the STL checks carried out and the help files. It is accessible in different ways:

  • On tablet: all online help files are classified by Branch/Zone/Subsidiary (depending on the files added by the zone or subsidiary) and language.
  • On the web application: all the reports created and validated by the inspector are accessible through a Subsidiary/Carrier/Year/Month tree structure.
You can access the GED by clicking on the “Share” module.
Capture des menus portail STL
Capture de la page d'identification de la GED

Enter your login and password.

You directly access the BI interface.

To create a folder (called “example folder”) in the GED module dedicated to a subsidiary to send documents to inspectors, you must:

  • Click on “create” then “folder” (1),
  • Fill in the fields: Name, Title and Description then click on “Save” (2),
  • After synchronization of the tablet, the folder appears (3),
  • The inspector can then consult the deposited files.
To add a file, in PDF format, simply drag and drop your file to the desired location (4).
You can also import your documents.
Capture de la création d'un dossier dans la GED
Capture de la nomination d'un nouveau dossier dans la GED
Capture de l'aperçu du nouveau dossier sur l'application stl
Capture du glisser déposer d'un fichier dans la GED
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