Manage vehicles

Click on the “Manage” menu then on
” Vehicle “.

Capture de l'onglet véhicule
Capture de la liste des véhicules

You will access the list of vehicles.

Just like creating a question, or creating other administrative data (service providers, drivers, trailers, etc.), you can:

  • Filter active and inactive vehicles.
  • Import and export a list of vehicles.
  • Refresh the list of vehicles.

Click “Create” to create a new vehicle.

Capture de la fiche d'un nouveau véhicule

The fields to be completed are:

  • Registration (mandatory fields),
  • Year of manufacture,
  • Type of vehicle (mandatory field),
  • Brand,
  • Model,
  • Alias,
  • Compliance,
  • From API.
The alias is an alternative registration.

Once the fields are completed, click on “create” to save your new contractor.

You can associate a contractor with your vehicle.

Click on your newly created vehicle and click on “Contractor” at the top left.

Capture de l'icône ajout d'un prestataire à un véhicule
Capture de la liste des prestataires associés à un véhicule

You will access the list of contractors to be associated with the vehicle.

Click on “Create” at the top right to create a new contractor.

Click on “Add/delete” at the top right to add or delete a contractor.

This window allows you to add or remove a contractor to be associated with your vehicle.

Click on the desired contractor(s) and click on “Validate”.

Capture de la fenêtre d'ajout d'un prestataire a associé à un véhicule
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